Your all round welfare is our concern, we aim at fulfilling heavens goal

MEN @Work

An Eleven year old friend of mine, tells me the three words that strike him the most when he sees the sign:                                                                   
                                                          "Men at Work".
                               "I think CAUTION, BEWARE, ATTENTION" Isaiah says. 

As obvious as that is to everyone who sees the sign from time to time, Only a few take time to reflect on it. So lets do it together. Shall we?

We are first MEN...Irrespective of what we do, we come first. In otherwords, Who you are (lifestyle)before Your work. Place the highest priority on character, mentality and values.
We are first MEN...What we do may give people the worst or best impressions about us. We may be called gods or devils. Know yourself first as a Man and know the difference.
We are first MEN...Life comes before making a living.  Both are not equal, not comparable. To stay on the job, you must stay alive. SAFETY FIRST.

                                                           "Men at Work".
We WORK...Complain, criticise, castigate, contradict, contravene may make us smart and enviable BUT it is WORK that makes us RESPONSIBLE.
We WORK...Sweat, strength, strategy precede success.  Only the Devil's workshop recruits the lazy. Commit all, risk all and try all.
We WORK...The real purpose of life is Work. We shall be remembered for all WE HAVE DONE. History remembers the Worker not the Talker.

A few common falasies, you need to closely examine:
THERE IS NO WORK: Really? Are there no men? Are there no problems, needs and dreams? Where there is a will, theres a way. 
Its an excuse that rewards no one.

WORK DOESNT PAY: Laziness and idleness does? You dont need the money? You love begging? 
Pay doesnt work, Men do for pay.

RETIREMENT IS FOR THE RICH: Does the Rich rest? Are pensions still viable in the modern world? Dont bank on that. 
Truth is, the Rich labour to get then labour to preserve.

All success stories depend on the word, WORK.
If you desire to have a success story, then henceforth chose to carry out your daily activities such that all who come in contact with you have this one picture of your life:

                                                            "Men at Work".



Never in life have I heard a theme like that. What would the preacher preach? And what would the teacher teach? I mustn't miss it; I said to my self. Indeed God's anger has been kindled against the ladies that commit atrocities. I must be there to witness the piercing effect of God's word on those ladies who commit abortions. I concluded within.

Vum vum vum went our vehicle. Right there at the venue we alighted. The man of God climbed the pulpit, and Our hearts  were made ready to receive from the Lord. Today's service is not for me; I assured myself once again. I'm not a woman, therefore the topic abortion is not fitting to me.

Have you pulled back Already ?

In the morning David wrote a letter to Joab and sent it with Uriah. In the letter he wrote, “Put Uriah in the front lines where the fighting is the fiercest. Then pull back and leave him exposed so that he’s sure to be killed.”
- 2 Samuel 11:14-15

"Then pull back and leave him exposed..."
1. Uriah did not die because he could not handle the intensity of the battle, but
2. Uriah died because of the negligence of those who were supposed to support him in the battle zone.
His fellow soldiers sold him out.
 Those who were supposed to cover him, "exposed" him for the enemy to devour him.


So,  in my final year in school,  i met this girl who was desperate for marriage.

As we walked pass Law faculty,  she said bitterly; "any guy who comes my way now and proposes, i will just say yes to him."

I was shocked to hear a graduate speak like that.
She continued,  "all my mates are married, why cant i? "


 Have you ever heard of soul tie? Do you know what it means? Have you taken time to find out how one can be soul tied?
There are two phases to soul tie, that of the singles and the married. Here, let's talk about the singles.👫
For the singles it is a gradual process that matures to soul tie and guess what!, the ladies👩👩👠 are usually the core victims. When a young man is becoming unusually friendly to a lady always calling her, asking her questions like...have you eaten?🍴🥣 Chating with her, enjoys her presence, gives her

Salt -VS- Rice

Salt -VS- Rice

If you were to cook 3 cups of rice, would you add 3 cups of salt to it?

Certainly not!

So, in every preparation of rice, the rice always outnumbers the salt, yet a little salt makes a huge difference/impact in the overall outcome.

In the room in which you currently are, look up at the ceiling...


*“A certain man had two
sons: And the younger of them said to his father, Father, give me the portion of goods that falleth to me. And he divided unto them his living. And not many days after the younger son gathered all together, and took his journey into a far country, and there wasted his substance with riotous living.” (Luk 15:11-13 KJV)*

LORD, fire me up and set me on fire”… Let not grace diminish in my life. Let me not become obsolete, ever before the work is done completely.


Yesterday I was at the ATM to get some cash because I dearly needed money.

As I started to transact, the ATM showed me an inscription which said; Please insert your card.

I did

And then another message popped up- Please enter your pin code

I did

And then another message came the amount,

I did that too

What Does It Mean to Believe?

 And the evil spirit answered and said, “Jesus I know, and Paul I know; but who are you?”
Acts 19:15

Scripture reading: Acts 19:11–20

What is belief? Let me sum it up in a few sentences. To believe is to have the knowledge of Him in whom you believe. It is not to believe in the word Jesus, but to believe in the nature of Christ, to believe in the vision of Christ, for all power has been given unto Him, and greater is He who is within you in the revelation of faith than he who is in the world. (See 1 John 4:4.) And so I say to you, do

The Mindset

Mind-Set #1: How you think is the foundation of what life bring to you.  Your perception, in how you view a situation, is the result of your attitude. Once you have a particular mind-set, you see everything and everybody in a certain way--either more positively or negatively--even if your perception isn't accurate. Watch how you view things in life; for your life is being shaped by your belief system. Get up!

A Lion Can Become a Prey.

Some days back I was home watching a favourite channel, Nat Geo Wild. Now , I can't recall the series being shown, but I can never forget the picture I saw!

An obviously hungry lion was giving chase to a gazelle. In its attempt to escape being a prey to the king of the jungle, the gazelle ran into a water body. The lion followed. Unknown to the lion, that water body was crocodile-infested.

Heaven minded



Join us on our Journey to Heaven

Pastor W.F Kumuyi
Dearly beloved,
I am delighted to warmly welcome you to our homepage. You have come to the right place at the right time. Here, we are very passionate about your eternal destiny and committed to your spiritual welfare.  This is a website that has a lot to offer you – with unlimited access to life-transforming, systematic and expository teaching of the word of God and resources specifically tailored to meet your own spiritual needs; deepen your walk with God and add value to your entire life.
Our numerous resources are carefully prepared with you in mind- to satisfy your spiritual hunger; enhance your spiritual growth and; equip you for divine service, all round success and victory over the challenges of life.
You can now plunge into the great riches of the Kingdom that have been preserved for you via the hyperlinks to pages on  downloadable sermons, Bible studies, target-group  resources, gospel literature and magazines, leadership and church growth materials and faith-building testimonies etc. You can equally link up with us via this site for live streaming/broadcast of our regular refreshing worship and study sessions as well as soul-stirring, power-packed special revival services.
It is now my greatest delight to invite you to commit the rest of your life to the Great Saviour, Jesus Christ, who died for our sins- to accept Him as your personal Lord and Saviour; to enjoy the warmth of our fellowship, and then travel along with us on this highway of holiness to our eternal home in heaven.
Once again, I welcome you to a lifetime of unforgettable and eternally-beneficial experience of walking with God.
As you continue to explore and enjoy the riches of grace uncovered through our numerous materials and online resources, may the LORD continue to richly bless you (Amen).
     – Pastor W. F. Kumuyi.


Join us on our Journey to Heaven

Pastor W.F Kumuyi
Dearly beloved,
I am delighted to warmly welcome you to our homepage. You have come to the right place at the right time. Here, we are very passionate about your eternal destiny and committed to your spiritual welfare.  This is a website that has a lot to offer you – with unlimited access to life-transforming, systematic and expository teaching of the word of God and resources specifically tailored to meet your own spiritual needs; deepen your walk with God and add value to your entire life.
Our numerous resources are carefully prepared with you in mind- to satisfy your spiritual hunger; enhance your spiritual growth and; equip you for divine service, all round success and victory over the challenges of life.
You can now plunge into the great riches of the Kingdom that have been preserved for you via the hyperlinks to pages on  downloadable sermons, Bible studies, target-group  resources, gospel literature and magazines, leadership and church growth materials and faith-building testimonies etc. You can equally link up with us via this site for live streaming/broadcast of our regular refreshing worship and study sessions as well as soul-stirring, power-packed special revival services.
It is now my greatest delight to invite you to commit the rest of your life to the Great Saviour, Jesus Christ, who died for our sins- to accept Him as your personal Lord and Saviour; to enjoy the warmth of our fellowship, and then travel along with us on this highway of holiness to our eternal home in heaven.
Once again, I welcome you to a lifetime of unforgettable and eternally-beneficial experience of walking with God.
As you continue to explore and enjoy the riches of grace uncovered through our numerous materials and online resources, may the LORD continue to richly bless you (Amen).
     – Pastor W. F. Kumuyi.

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Holiness is an instruction and not and option